Tribute to the military

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Iranian threats

Middle East's oil supply would be jeopardized in case of U.S. attack, so says Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

When you listed to the Iranian leadership, one has to think, bi-polar or paranoid. They, the Iranian clerics and Ahmadinejad leadership, make their demands, and, when the demands are countered or incentives offered they continue to go down their slippery slope into 7th century paranoia.

In the latest round of diplomacy with Iran, Europeans and the United States offered Iran several incentives to resolve the issues at hand. Ahmadinejad issued a statement saying his government would not rush to judge the incentives package. Then, Khamenei kicks up a fuss and insists that his country has the right to produce nuclear fuel along with threats to stop the flow of oil from the Arabian Gulf. In Khamenei's mixed bag of 7th century thinking, he also assured the world that the nuclear fuel Iran produces will not be used for nuclear weapons.

Khamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are now playing good negotiator - bad negotiator. They have been watching too much television. Depending on the day, they switch places. This weekend, Ahmadinejad backed off his usual rhetoric and Khamenei picked it up. Perhaps Khamenei and Ahmadinejad should start on Prozac therapy.

Anyway, the doomsday clock hands did not move forward this weekend because as Khamenei was spouting off about his right to produce nuclear fuel, United States Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, discounted his threats and encouraged continued dialog with Iran.

Will Khamenei and his alter ego, Ahmadinejad, show the international community that they can be responsible or will the regime show that it is irreversibly committed to its dual-use enrichment program? For sure, Rice's tack for diplomacy will force the Tehran government to show its hand to the international community.

As Rosemary pointed in her posted article, 'Hello? Is anyone listening to the Iranian people?', the late Shah of Iran's son, Reza Pahlavi, has proposed that the solution to Iran's percolating and fanatical signals is for, "the United States and free world to support the Iranian people." Pahlavi insists that in dealing with the fanatical Tehran, "there is only one thing that the outside world can do, and that is to tell the regime: 'We are serious about supporting the people who are inside Iran who are against you.'

Regime change is possible, by assisting the internal struggle of the Iranian people.

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