The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. ~ Sun Tzu on the art of War
Tribute to the military
Friday, June 30, 2006
MEMRI: Egyptian Playwright 'Ali Salem Speaks Out
June 30, 2006
No. 1195
Shunned in His Country for Supporting Normalization with Israel, Egyptian Playwright 'Ali Salem Speaks Out
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: HTML version of Egyptian Playwright 'Ali Salem .
'Ali Salem,(1) Egypt's most prominent playwright, has been banished from his country's cultural circles due to his views favoring normalization with Israel. Salem's views became widely known after he visited Israel in 1994, and set down his favorable impressions of the country in a book titled 'A Drive to Israel,' which sold more than 60,000 copies in Egypt. Since then, he has visited Israel 15 times, and in 2005 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Israel's Ben Gurion University. Since his first trip to Israel, however, he has been unable to find producers for his work in Egypt, and none of his 25 plays have been performed there for many years.
The following are excerpts from an interview with 'Ali Salem in the London Arabic daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat in June 2006.(2)
Interviewer: "Nearly All Intellectuals Boycott 'Ali Salem's Work Because He Supports Normalization With Israel"
[Interviewer] Osama 'Abd Al-Latif: "Nearly all intellectuals boycott 'Ali Salem's work because he supports normalization with Israel, and has made repeated visits to that country since it signed the peace treaty with Egypt. For more than 10 years now, 'Ali Salem has not been able to stage any of his plays because of the siege on him. Eventually, he found no other way to break the siege but to produce an audiotape [of his work], which he was permitted to distribute but was forbidden to sell. The tape is titled 'The Best Laughs.' His intention was to read out his writings in his own voice, and thus to 'take part in raising the cultural [level] of the masses,' as he puts it. The following is a conversation with' Ali Salem, who [always] was and still is provocative, even at the age of 70."
Abd Al-Latif: "How do you spend your time these days?"
'Ali Salem: "I spend my time writing journalistic articles, though I am not happy about it. I am first of all a playwright, and that gives me more pleasure than any other work. I have a number of plays which have not yet been published, including two one-act plays and two full-length plays. Four years ago, I submitted two plays to the National Theater... but I haven't received an answer, even though the [state] theater censor has approved both texts.
"I also continue to publish books despite the fact that some people have tried to isolate me. I published the book 'The Best Laughs,' which includes my old humorous works, and last March I published the book 'Words of Laughter and Freedom.'"
'Abd Al-Latif: "Do you regret the political views you have expressed regarding Israel?"
'Ali Salem: "As I've told you, I submitted several works to the National Theatre, and my question is this: Did they reject me out of their own free will, or were they forced to do so? I imagine that there are some who deliberately reject any first-rate creativity. We must also realize that there is real corruption in the field of theater, and those responsible for it should be in jail.
"Under these circumstances, it's impossible for people like me to publish [their work]. Don't you believe [for a moment] that my position on peace [with Israel] has anything to do with what's happening to me. It's all a matter of score-settling between writers, nothing more and nothing less. I am here and so are my works. And when it comes to the point that a bunch of amateurs prevent me from presenting my work, it means that there are certain parties who are deliberately out to get me.
"In spite of this, I do not see myself as a victim. I do not believe that there is any [other] writer of my generation who has achieved the status that I have achieved. Suffice it to say that all copies of my last book were sold within three days. I have nothing to complain about. At the same time, I know that they rejoice at my predicament as a creative writer. I am completely convinced that all my works will find their way onto the stage some day.
"At the moment, I am busy with a project which allows me, as a playwright, to reach the audience directly, without anyone's mediation or assistance - without any actors, set designers, announcements by the producer, etc. I have decided to start my own company, called 'The Voice of Humor,' through which I will record all my humorous works in my own voice on tapes and CDs. I expect that there will be attempts to stop me by those who like to prevent me from pursuing my creative path."
Running Away From Peace Indicates Weakness and Fear
'Abd Al-Latif: "Many maintain that the reason for the boycott you talk about is your support of normalization, and not your writing."
'Ali Salem: "It pains me that, for 12 years now, I [have had to] keep responding to pointless statements. Have you ever heard of any intellectual in any country in the world who has been punished as I have been punished for maintaining normal relations with the Israeli intellectuals and for believing in peace? I want to emphasize that normal relations with Israel is not one of the things that Egyptians worry about. The Egyptian citizen worries about his problems, about his life, about private lessons [for his children], about the tension that surrounds him and about what is happening in Iraq and in Palestine. The Egyptian people is in favor of peace. This was evident in its support for Sadat's decision to make peace [with Israel]. To this day, nobody has ever disputed my [claim] that the Egyptian people believes in peace.
"All I have been exposed to over the years have been just insults and abuse on a personal basis. That amazes me. I have often asked those who attacked me to move from belligerent struggle to peaceful competition [between Egypt and Israel]. Unfortunately, the Egyptian media has continued to publish belligerent pronouncements and gloomy propaganda against Egyptian-Israeli relations. And later we discover that the whole thing was nothing but a means of embezzling state funds. They act as though they are the only ones who are right, while the others are wrong, no matter who they are.
"In my opinion, it's not a matter of right and wrong, but a political and cultural issue. I am an educated writer. After taking part in these wars, and after losing close friends [in them], I discovered the importance of peace and the need to become familiar with these people [i.e. the Israelis], and [to know] how to compete with them peacefully. I imagine that the Egyptian intellectuals necessarily feel jealous because little Israel has superiority in terms of export. I maintain that running away from peace is [a sign of] weakness and fear, and is [therefore] unjustified.
"To this day, not a single one of my plays has been produced in Israel. There was a plan, that was never carried out, to produce my play 'A Writer on Honeymoon.' It was claimed that it attacked the Egyptian regime, but none of those [who made this claim] bothered to [actually] examine my writings. This play was published in Egypt in 1975, and I produced it myself in 1982."
'Abd Al-Latif: "Haven't you ever thought of founding a [theater] group to perform your plays?"
'Ali Salem: "I would need a lot of money, and I would never beg some foreign [donor for the money], for reasons that have nothing to do with nationalism. In the past, I could have established a theatre group with 10,000 Egyptian pounds. But now, this requires millions [of pounds]. There is a problem with theater productions in Egypt. I approached many people, but the very mention of my name scares them away. Some are afraid to come near me, [for fear] of being harassed."
'Abd Al-Latif: "Some intellectuals and writers believe that 'Ali Salem has committed the crime of normalization, and must be punished. How do you comment on this?"
'Ali Salem: "That's hypocrisy. I carried out my role as a responsible intellectual, and I doubt very much that those who boycott the creative work of 'Ali Salem can preserve anything else that is of value. This is narcissism. Whoever has no respect for the creative work of an artist surely has nothing valuable to say. He conceals his own impotence and failure by hindering and obstructing the creative work of others..."
The Peace With Israel has Protected Our Region From Anarchy
'Abd Al-Latif: "Do you feel ostracized and banished?"
'Ali Salem: "'Ostracized' is a strong word. I do pay a price for my beliefs. [But] if people rejected me, they would not have bought my books. I am 70 years old now. It's not self-delusion on my part to believe that I express the dreams and hopes of the Egyptian people. I am also convinced that our peace with Israel has protected our region from anarchy. It is not an exaggeration to say that the development boom in the Gulf would not have occurred without peace between Egypt and Israel. I believe that the criticism against the peace with Israel is [merely] a cover for corruption and for those who oppose any change and development in Egypt, because normal relations with Israel entail the establishment of normal relations among the Egyptians."
'Abd Al-Latif: "Do you believe in the good intentions of the Israelis?"
'Ali Salem: "You are not dealing with a gang. You are dealing with governments. In politics, it's not about intentions, it's about agreements."
'Abd Al-Latif: "But they do not keep their agreements."
'Ali Salem: "That has not happened. Show me one agreement in the Egyptian-Israeli peace accords on which they reneged. What you are saying is exactly what the extremists spread in order to keep us prisoners of fear. We must overlook the list of unfortunate incidents which goes back to the 1930s. My only concern now is that we [manage to] live in this region without [allowing] it to become totally ruined, and that we realize that extremism [threatens] everyone's safety."
'Abd Al-Latif: "Do you feel a lack of confidence because the majority is not with you?"
'Ali Salem: "It not the [support of the] majority that gives confidence to the creative writer. [In fact,] its support often indicates a flaw [in the artist's work] rather than fine quality. Truth is held by an individual. Afterwards, people discover that he was right. Your question reminds me of [the story about] the politician who was giving a speech, and, when people applauded him, asked one of his aides: 'Where did I go wrong?' When the majority [in the Egyptian Writers Union] decided to expel me from the union, I asked: 'Aren't those who buy my books considered a majority?' This is enough for me, and I do not need anything else. I am not demanding a peace treaty - Sadat [already] signed one."
'Abd Al-Latif: "Do you go to the theater these days?"
'Ali Salem: "I can't stand it, because some people think that buffoonery is comedy..."
Osama Bin Laden Distributes His Tapes Without Censorship - But I Must Obtain 18 Permits Before I Publish
'Abd Al-Latif: "How is it going with the first audiotape in your project?"
'Ali Salem: "Well, this is an attempt on my part to bring my work to the Egyptians who follow my writings. We should not forget that there is a market for tapes today, especially among those who do not read. Even Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri use this medium to advertise their views and thoughts. However, the difference between them and me is that they distribute their tapes as soon as they are recorded, with no censorship, whereas I must first obtain 18 [different] permits..."
(1) For more on 'Ali Salem, see:
MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 728, "Satirist Ali Salem to Arab League: There's Light at the End of the Tunnel," June 8, 2004, MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 728;
MEMRI TV Clip No. 696, "Egyptian Playwright 'Ali Salem Argues With Egyptian Nationalists Over Visits to Israel," May 29, 2005, MEMRI TV Clip No. 696;
MEMRI TV Clip No. 296, "Egyptian Playwright 'Ali Salem: The Arab World is Threatened by the Terror Groups, Not by Israel and the U.S.," October 18, 2004, MEMRI TV Clip No. 296 .
(2) Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), June 21, 2006.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077
Search previous MEMRI publications at MEMRI Website
Technorati Tags: 'Ali Salem ... Egypt ... Israel ... Jihad ... Normalization ... Al-Latif ... Al-Zawahiri ... Ostracized ... Bin Laden ... Al-Awsat ... monotheism ... al-Qaeda
Stolen VA Laptop Found, But, Scam Warning Issued
Stolen VA Laptop Found, but Scam Warning Issued
Department of Veterans' Affairs Secretary James Nicholson says the stolen laptop computer that contained millions of veterans' personal data has been recovered. The equipment is being analyzed by FBI forensic specialists in an effort to determine whether the data may have been compromised.
The Associated Press reported earlier this week that VA has been spending $200,000 a day to maintain a call center for concerned veterans.
Ironically, the VA issued a new warning of a so-called "phishing" scam that targets veterans who may be worried that their VA data was stolen. It involves Internet fraudsters who send mass e-mails or pop-up messages asking unsuspecting recipients to provide personal information [credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security number, passwords, or other sensitive information] so the scammer can "check whether their data has been compromised."
According to the VA, some of these e-mails originate from the address "," and ask the recipient to check an account by clicking on a link. The VA says it has no such e-mail address, and the link in the email is to a web site in Asia.
If you receive a suspicious email, DO NOT open it, but delete it immediately.
Bosun's comment: If an isn't one thing it is another. The criminals scam the vets in the United States and the terrorists make threatening calls to (British) families back home. Just a matter of time before we get calls here too. We are degrading fast. And the appeasers, apologists, and those soft on terror and crime are making it easier for vets on both sides of the Atlantic to become targets.
Category: Military.
Technorati Tags: America ... Veterans Affairs ... phishing ... Social Security ... Identity Theft ... scam ... Consumer Credit ... Equifax ... Money ... TransUnion ... Experian ... Fraud Alert... Internet fraudsters ... Unlawful ... SNAFU ... Public ... Opinion
Thursday, June 29, 2006
MEMRI: al-Zarqawi Post Mortem: How He Lost His Sunni Allies Prior to His Killing
June 30, 2006
No. 284
Al-Zarqawi Post Mortem: How He Lost His Sunni Allies Prior to His Killing
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: HTML PAGE OF THIS ARTICLE: al-Zarqawi Post Mortem . By D. Hazan*
Though Abu-Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi is no longer a player in the Iraqi arena, it is important to review and analyze the military and political circumstances in Iraq surrounding his killing. This report presents the deterioration, prior to Al-Zarqawi's death, of his relations with his Sunni allies, which had reached the point of violent clashes and mutual killings. This violence emanated from the increased political participation by Sunni organizations and parties in the elections and, subsequently, in the establishment of a new democratic government in Iraq - and from Al-Zarqawi's opposition to these developments.
Al-Zarqawi realized that this process was isolating him more and more, and that, consequently, the threat to his life was increasing. This realization led him to react in a contradictory, almost hysterical manner, repeatedly alternating between threats and pleas. On the one hand, he escalated his threats against his Sunni allies who had turned to take part in the political process in Iraq - first in the 2005 elections and later in the establishment of the new government. On the other hand, he implored them in flattering tones not to lay down their weapons but to continue the jihad, comparing them to the Prophet Muhammad's warriors. The following are examples:
In his January 8, 2006 speech, Al-Zarqawi begins by calling the Sunnis "the next enemy... like evil that is hidden and lurking." He then reminds them of their great accomplishments so far: "[The losses you have caused to the U.S.] include over 15,000 wounded and killed and over half a trillion dollars [spent]... and we say that these figures are the figures [released by] the Crusader enemy and are much lower than the true figures...." He reminds the faithless Sunnis that "abandoning [the duty] of jihad is considered unbelief," and warns ominously: "This is the last call to the Sunnis in general and to the supporters of the Islamic Party in particular: Whither are they leading you, and on what path are you walking?" He ends by once again exhorting the Sunnis, "Accordingly, do not be the harbingers of evil for the nation of the Prophet [Muhammad], and do not choose for yourselves a destiny of failure - because its end is evil and lamentable," and again reassures them that "the U.S. is now drawing its final breaths, and is about to fall, owing to the attacks of the jihad fighters in Afghanistan and in Iraq."
In his April 21 video, Al-Zarqawi follows a similar pattern, warning the defecting Sunnis: "Allah said: 'And whoever amongst you takes them [the Jews and Christians] for a friend, is surely one of them'(1)... We hereby renew our call and warn anyone who is acting for the deployment and the establishment of the [Iraqi] military and police apparatuses, which were established [from the outset] in order to implement the plans of the occupiers and to instill a regime that is not according to [the Koran] brought down by Allah. Beware of anyone who joins apparatuses like these, which collaborate [with the enemy]. I have sworn that among us they will find nothing but a sharp sword, and that between us and them [there will be] battles the horrors of which will turn the young men's hair white..." (See excerpts in this document, below).
Changing tack, Al-Zarqawi then urges the Sunnis to carry on waging jihad, because victory is nigh:(2) "Continue your jihad, intensify your operations, and multiply your blows. By Allah, these are the victories of Islam. By Allah, these are the final moments before the servants of the cross declare their defeat in the Land of the Two Rivers. Collapse of the motivation to fight has become the most prominent characteristic of the armies of the Crusaders."
He then entreats: "Where are the lions of the Al-Anbar province? Where are the lions of the Salah Al-Din province? Where are the men of Baghdad? Where are the knights of Nineveh and the heroes of Al-Diyala? Where are the heroes of Kurdistan? Where are you, lions of monotheism, oh descendents of Khaled and Al-Muthana, of Sa'd, Al-Miqdad, and Salah Al-Din? Where are the muhajirun? Where are the ansar? Where are the people of surat Al-Tuba and surat Al-Anfal, of the Koranic chapters of conquest and fighting? Oh, vanguard of the nation - who will help the bereaved mothers? Who will help the women in the prisons of the Crusaders? Who will help the pure women in the prisons of the hatred-filled Rafidite Shi'ites? By Allah, there is no life except the life of the world to come."
He then turns back to threats and warnings: "Beware not to lay down your weapons, for your lot will be sorrow, regret, shame, and humiliation in this world and in the world to come. You used to pray day and night for Allah to open before you the path of jihad for the sake of Allah in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and elsewhere. Then Allah made ready for you the jihad deal in your own land. He opened the gates of Paradise for you, and wanted your own good - beware, oh mujahidoon, not to close these gates by your sins."
It is important to note that Al-Zarqawi's and Al-Qaeda's isolation in Iraq has ramifications also for Al-Zarqawi's successor, who will sooner or later face the same situation. This was the main concern behind a document released after Al-Zarqawi's death by the general leadership of the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF); in it, the group attempted to deny that Al-Zarqawi and Al-Qaeda were becoming increasingly isolated from their former Sunni allies - which was in fact already widely known to the Arab public (see Appendix).
* D. Hazan is director of MEMRI's Islamist-Jihadi Website Initiative.
(1) Koran 5:51.
(2) For the full transcript, including these excerpts, and to view the clip, see MEMRI Special Dispatch 1149, "New Video by Al-Qaeda Commander in Iraq Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi," April 26, 2006, MEMRI Link to Video .
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077
Search previous MEMRI publications at MEMRI Website
Technorati Tags: Sunni Allies ... GIMF ... Global Islamic Front ... Jihad ... Crusader enemy ... Islamic Party ... al-Zarqawi ... Jews ... Christians ... Al-Anbar province ... monotheism ... muhajirun ... Iraqi Freedom ... Shi'ites ... Baqubah ... al-Qaeda ... Coalition ... Military News
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
12 down: Top secret war plans, 36 across: Treason

In Ann Coulter's latest column posted at World Net Daily (WND), 12 down: Top secret war plans, 36 across: Treason, the take-no-prisoners commentator, Ann Coulter, takes aim at the New York Times, as she wonders when the paper will uncover an al-Qaida secret program.
Ann discusses the latest of a long list of formerly top-secret government anti-terrorism operations that have been revealed by the New York Times. Last week the paper printed the details of a government program tracking terrorists' financial transactions that has already led to the capture of major terrorists and their handmaidens in the United States.
Ann Writes, "Thanks to the New York Times, the easiest job in the world right now is: 'Head of Counterintelligence - al-Qaida ..... You just have to read the New York Times over morning coffee, and you're done by 10 a.m." She continues, "The greatest threat to the war on terrorism isn't the Islamic insurgency - our military can handle the savages. It's traitorous liberals trying to lose the war at home." Link to Ann's commentary at WND
Also here is a link to Ann's commentary at Human Events Online...
Related stories of interest:
- 'Godless' Causes Liberals to Pray ... For a Book Burning
- Don't Call Ann Coulter the Michael Moore of the Right
- Party of Rapist Proud to Be Godless
- Coulter Foes Launch Hate-Filled Attacks
Monday, June 26, 2006
MEMRI: Profile of Reformist Algerian Cartoonist Ali Dilem
June 27, 2006
No. 282
Profile of Reformist Algerian Cartoonist Ali Dilem
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: HTML version of the profile .
By Nathalie Szerman*
Algerian cartoonist Ali Dilem was born in 1967 in El-Harrach, a suburb of Algiers, and is of Kabyle origin. He studied at the National Art School in Algiers.(1) Dilem began his career as a cartoonist for the Algerian Communist weekly Alger Republican. In 1991, he drew cartoons for the independent Algerian daily Le Matin,(2) whose editor, Mohamed Benchicou,(3) was recently released from prison after serving a two-year sentence on charges of corruption.(4) Since 1996, Dilem has worked as a cartoonist for the French-language Algerian independent daily Liberté. Dilem also works for French TV5's Kiosque program. In 2000, he was awarded the International Prize of Drawing in Written Press.(5) In 2005, Dilem was awarded the Freedom of Press Trophy, which he dedicated to Benchicou; in 2006, he received the prestigious Cartoonist Rights Network Award.
Dilem became internationally known for his depictions of the Algerian political process and for his support of political pluralism in his country through his cartoons. In them, Dilem portrays Algerian civil society's criticism of the FLN (National Liberation Front) Party, in power since Algeria became independent in 1962; of the Islamist groups; and of the role of the army in the country. In an interview with , Dilem describes Algeria's political situation as follows: "The majority is General Toufik [military security director Mohamed Mediène], and the opposition is also General Toufik."(6)
On February 11, 2006, Dilem was sentenced to one year's imprisonment and fined 50,000 dinars (?550), for dozens of cartoons he had published in Liberté during 2003 depicting Algerian President Abdelaziz Boutlefika. Dilem was sentenced under Article 144b of the Algerian Criminal Code, which allows for a prison term of two to 12 months as well as a fine for "insulting" or defaming the president.(7) Currently, 24 cases of press offenses are pending against him.(8)
During the Algerian civil war between Islamists and the Algerian government (1990-1998), Dilem received death threats from Algerian Islamist groups. In 2004, a fatwa was issued against him "in all mosques throughout Algeria."(9) Algerian Minister of Religious Affairs Boulem Ghoulamallah took responsibility for this fatwa.(10)
In his interview with , Dilem reiterated his concerns about Islamist factions in Algeria, and said, "Everything that gave birth to the FIS [the Algerian Islamist party Front Islamique du Salut](11) in Algeria still exists."(12)
The following is a selection of 32 cartoons by Dilem, published by Liberté and by TV5(13) in 2005-2006. The cartoons focus on freedom of expression in the Arab world, especially with regard to the case of Benchicou in Algeria; women's rights; Iran's nuclear program; Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and his widely criticized decision to undergo medical treatment in France rather than in his own country; and the release from prison of Islamists in Algeria, under the 2005 general amnesty.(14) An additional theme is human and civil rights.
TO VIEW CARTOONS, VISIT: To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: MEMRI HTML of cartoons .
*Nathalie Szerman is Director of MEMRI's North African Reformists Project.
(2) Le Matin was closed in 2004, when editor Mohamed Benchicou was imprisoned. After Benchicou's release, he declared that Le Matin would soon return. , June 15, 2006.
(3) Mohamed Benchicou is the editor of Algerian daily Le Matin. In 2004, he published a biography of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, titled Bouteflika: Une imposture algérienne, that exposed the corruption of the regime. Benchicou was imprisoned in June 2004 on charges of corruption and was released on June 14, 2006.
(4) , June 6, 2006.
(5) .
(6) , February 17, 2005.
(7) , February 16, 2006.
(8) , February 16, 2006.
(9) , February 17, 2005.
(10) , Associated Press, as cited by, February 15, 2004.
(11) The Algerian political party Front Islamique du Salut has been banned since 1992. In December 1991, the Algerian government cancelled the second round of elections after the first round showed an FIS victory. The Algerian civil war broke out shortly afterwards.
(12) , February 17, 2005.
(13) , L'année vue par Dilem, .
(14) Algeria Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Charte pour la Paix et la Reconciliation Nationale: .
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077
Search previous MEMRI publications at
Technorati Tags: Nathalie Szerman ... Middle East ... Terrorism ... North Africa ... Algeria ... Islamists ... Ali Dilem ... Islam ... FLN ... Islamic World ... Muslim
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Detainee Transfer Announced
Jun 24, 2006
Media Contact: (703)697-5131
Detainee Transfer Announced
The Department of Defense announced today that it transferred 14 Saudi detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Saudi Arabia.
This movement included one detainee found to no longer be an enemy combatant by the Combatant Status Review Tribunals. The other thirteen detainees were approved for transfer by an Administrative Review Board (ARB) decision at Guantanamo.
With today's transfer, approximately 120 detainees remain at Guantanamo who the U.S. government has determined eligible for transfer or release through a comprehensive series of review processes. Departure of these remaining detainees approved for transfer or release is subject to ongoing discussions between the United States and other nations. The United States does not desire to hold detainees for any longer than necessary. The department expects that there will continue to be other transfers or releases of detainees.
There are ongoing processes to review the status of detainees held at Guantanamo. A determination about the continued detention or transfer of a detainee is based on the best information and evidence available at the time, both classified and unclassified.
With this transfer, approximately 310 detainees have departed Guantanamo to other governments, including Albania, Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Kuwait, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden and Uganda.
Approximately 450 detainees remain at Guantanamo.
-- Web Version: Web Version of Defenselink Mil
-- News Releases: Defenselink Mil Releases
-- DoD News: DoD News
-- Today in DoD: Today in DOD
-- U.S. Department of Defense Official Website - Defenselink Mil
-- U.S. Department of Defense News About the War on Terrorism -Defend America Mil
Technorati tags: Terrorism ... Guantanamo ... Military ... Detainee ... Enemy Combatant ... transfer ... Detainee Transfer ... al Qaeda ... Terrorist ... Afghanistan ... War on Terror ... President Bush ... Terror Cells ... Imminent threat
Friday, June 23, 2006
CNN: FBI Director Robert Mueller regarding home grown terrorism
I thought you might be interested to know that CNN Pipeline will be featuring FBI Director Robert Mueller giving a speech to the City Club of Cleveland regarding home grown terrorism. He is expected to have a short press conference afterwards. Both will be LIVE on CNN Pipeline at 12PM ET.
CNN Pipeline is an online, commercial-free, multiple live-news feed. It showcases four simultaneous news feeds from around the world and an on-demand function that allows you to select from a variety of news stories.
According to CNN, you may be able to visit their URL, and click on the CNN Pipeline link to watch it *live.* This is a pay for view feature at CNN. Check to see if you qualify for two-week free trial. The Bosun Locker and Rumors of War are not affiliated with CNN, but, are passing on the email message announcing CNN Pipeline and Director Mueller's speech.
Technorati tags: Terrorism ... Florida ... CNN ... FBI ... Miami ... Chicago ... Sears Tower ... al Qaeda ... Terrorism ... Homegrown Terror ... Robert Mueller ... CNN Pipeline ... Terror Cell ... Imminent threat
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Homegrown Terror Plot: Miami, Florida
The FBI and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales are scheduled to hold a news conference on Friday to discuss the raid. According the FBI, there is no "imminent threat" to Miami, or other US city. This appears to be a homegrown plot, with no known ties to al Qaeda or other groups. The plotters thought that the undercover agents they were in contact with were al Qaeda. This plot has an uncanny resemblance of the recent plot in Canada with their homegrown terror suspects.
Turn the clock back to the Oklahoma Federal Building Bomber, Timothy McVeigh. He too wanted to usher in his own brand of perverted radicalism. Islamofacism, militant fascism, and perverted misfits from all walks of life threaten the free nations of the world.
Category: Terrorism.
Also posting about this story:
- Crazy Politico's Ranting. ‘Terror Plot Foiled? '
- Stop The ACLU, 'Terror Suspects Arrested In Miami'
- National Security Alert Response Center
- AP: Terrorism Investigation
- CNN Domestic Terrorism Plot Miami Raid
Other extremists who have threatened the fabric of free societies:
- Aum Cult of Terror
- Amerithrax Investigation
- Carlos the Jackal
- Ted Kaczynski
- New York City's Mad Bomber
- Jose Padilla
technorati tags: Terrorism ... Florida ... CNN ... FBI ... Miami ... Chicago ... Sears Tower ... al Qaeda ... Terrorism ... Homegrown Terror ... Jose Padilla ... Terror Cell ... Imminent threat ... New York City's Mad Bomber ... Ted Kaczynski ... Carlos the Jackal ... Amerithrax Investigation ... Aum Cult of Terror
Senate Rejects Calls on Iraq Troop Pullout
In two votes today, the GOP-controlled Senate rejected Democratic calls to start withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq by years' end, as the two parties sought to define their election-year positions on a war that has grown increasingly unpopular.
In an 86-13 vote, the Senate turned back a proposal from some Democrats that would require the administration to withdraw all combat troops from Iraq by July
1, 2007, with redeployments beginning this year.Minutes later, the Senate rejected the nonbinding phased withdrawl plan with a vote of 60-39. The Levin & Reid proposal was a nonbinding resolution that would call for the administration to begin withdrawing troops, but with no timetable for the war's end. More from Channel 8 San Diego>>
On Fox News: Senate Rejects BidsTo Set Iraq Pullout
Stop The ACLU has posted a new item, 'Senate rejects calls on Iraq troop pullout '
Also writing about the Senate Rejecting: Hot Air .... Sister Toldjah .... Captain’s Quarters .... Right on the Right
Technorati tags: America ... John Kerry ... Iraq ... Cut and Run ... Withdrawal ... Politically Correct ... Liberalism ... socialism ... War on Terror ... Carl Levin ... Harry Reid ... Senate Republicans ... Senate Democrats ... Politics ... Liberal ... Lefti ... War ... Political Correctness
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Iranian Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezai: "America is Like a Paper Tiger..."

June 21, 2006
No. 1189
DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on MEMRI are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the Rumors of War or any entity affiliated with the Rumors of War.
Iranian Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezai: "America is Like a Paper Tiger - Even the Slightest Tremor Could Easily Make it Crumple & Disappear"
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: America is Like a Paper Tiger .
The following are excerpts from an interview with Iranian Expediency Council Secretary Mohsen Rezai, which aired on Iranian Channel 2 on June 8, 2006.
"If Iran Goes Underground With Its Nuclear Activities, the Entire World Will Curse America"
Mohsen Rezai: "Twenty-five or 30 yeas ago, America by itself could boycott a country, because the significant and advanced commodities were in American hands. Nowadays, however, not only Europe, but also China, southwest Asia, Malaysia, and other large countries have made extraordinary progress, and have passed the developing phase. Today Iran's trading options are no longer limited to Europe or America, and the Americans understand this. Therefore, they cannot boycott Iran by themselves, or with the help of four or five countries. They need a broader consensus, which is a problem they will have to deal with."
The U.S. is "Facing Serious Military Difficulties"
Mohsen Rezai: "They are also facing serious military difficulties. They cannot conduct a ground offensive against Iran, and even if they wish to conduct an aerial attack, it is not clear whether this would be effective. Iranian technology is locally made, and Iran could quickly transfer the Natanz site to some desert, so that even if the entire world invades Iran, they might not find it. If Iran goes underground following a couple of American bombs... If Iran goes underground with its nuclear activities, the entire world will curse America, and say: 'What have you done? You have made the region unsafe, and achieved nothing.'"
"The American Empire is Hovering Between Life and Death"
Mohsen Rezai: "The American empire is hovering between life and death. If America loses some of the countries it has subjugated and plundered, there will be chaos in America."
"America seems so big, but in fact is like a paper tiger - even the slightest tremor could easily make it crumple and disappear. That's why America's strength depends upon maintaining its hegemony."
"Something very important has happened. The important thing is that the Americans wanted to finish this by September. They really wanted this boycott to be approved. This did not happen. Moreover, the Americans are no longer saying that Iran must be deprived of its nuclear rights forever. Many of our friends, who objected to Iran's firm stance, used to say: 'If the dossier is referred to the Security Council, it would deprive Iran of nuclear technology forever, within a week. Why are you resisting?' Why did this not happen? Iran has accomplished a great thing."
"Iran Halted the Dossier in the Security Council, Without the Support of Any International Power"
Mohsen Rezai: "True, America managed to refer Iran's dossier to the Security Council, but Iran halted the dossier in the Security Council, without the support of any international power. A Third World country that has no right of veto in the Security Council, or the support of any other country, has stopped this dossier and forced the other side to behave courteously, although they are by nature not courteous."
Interviewer: "Why do you think the Americans gave in?"
Mohsen Rezai: "First of all, the Americans and the Europeans did not think Iran would persevere. Iran was skillful in that it came very close to the sanctions. Eisenhower said something interesting. He said that a strong a country is one that will progress to the brink of nuclear war. Iran has displayed a potential that they did not believe it had.
"Three years ago, Iranian foreign policy was almost a disgrace. We used to give them everything they wanted. We made all the country's documents available to the IAEA. We were tumbling down a slope, and they did not believe that Iran would display such steadfastness, which completely contradicted what was before."
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077
Search previous MEMRI publications at MEMRI
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Why Gaddafi is so Afraid of Charles Taylor
- It is interesting to see that Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi is slamming Nigeria for turning Charles Taylor over to face justice. News reports quote Gad[d]affi as saying such a move sets a dangerous precedent for the rest of Africa. [continue reading]
I have focused on Charles Taylor in this article, because this is the person I go to for information. I like to cooberate my data, and I trust the information I receive from Douglas. That really means something. Hint, hint! lol. (You can trust him, too.)
Category: Lybia, Liberia and Nigeria.
Somalia, Iran, Charles Taylor, Afghanistan and NK News
The title has the original article, and the 'continue reading' has a copy of the article. I do this because I'm tired of losing articles. Make no mistake, however, that these articles are the property of the authors and press they belong to. Thank you.
SOMALIA: Regional body imposes sanctions against "warlords" by
- NAIROBI, 14 June (IRIN) - East African states have agreed to isolate leaders of armed factions in Somalia by imposing a regional travel ban on them and freezing their assets in a bid to help the nation's fledgling transitional federal government restore stability.
Kenya took the lead last week, imposing sanctions against Somalia's so-called "warlords" after they and their militia were driven out of Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, by forces loyal to the city's Islamic courts. The faction leaders were accused of being the main stumbling block in efforts to re-establish a government in Somalia, where anarchy has reigned since the overthrow in 1991 of the administration led by Muhammad Siyad Barre. [continue reading]
- ...Nor do I relish here the role of skeptic. I am as enamored as the next guy with the image of 'our team' running rhetorical circles around the primitive hooligans who run Iran. We could get them to agree not to nuke Manhattan Island, and all it will cost us is $24 worth of trinkets. Show those guys once and for all that the Great Satan can pitch you anything with forked tongue and make you like it. Worse comes to worst, we might have to throw in a boatload of free burqas as an incentive, complete with ILGWU labels. [continue reading]
- Sierra Leone's leader says it would be "very helpful" if the UK were to jail ex-Liberian President Charles Taylor if he were convicted of war crimes.
He faces the charges in the UN-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone, which requested his trial be transferred to The Hague for security reasons.
But the Dutch government said it would only accept this if any ensuing jail term was served in another country. [continue reading here and here.]
Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill 45 Militants By TINI TRAN, ABC News International.
- KABUL, Afghanistan Jun 17, 2006 (AP)— Coalition forces pressed forward with a major offensive in southern Afghanistan, killing an estimated 45 insurgents in attacks on two Taliban militant camps, military officials said Saturday.
Most died when Afghan and coalition forces surprised militants as they gathered at a "known enemy camp" in Khod Valley, part of the Shaheed Hasas district of Uruzgan province, the military said in a statement. [continue reading]
- TOKYO (AP) - The United States and Japan urged North Korea not to proceed with reported plans to test-fire a long-range missile that could reach the U.S. mainland, saying Saturday that a launch would be dangerous and provocative.
But North Korean officials later denied such preparations, the Kyodo News agency reported, citing a South Korean official it did not identify. [continue reading]
He also writes for The Counter Terrorism Blog. Bill Roggio, known to many of us through his older blog, "The Fourth Rail," also writes for this site. At this moment, he is in Afghanistan covering the events in real time. We may not receive all the information, which is proper, but he is doing a fantastic job! Thank you, and have a great day. (Don't forget, tomorrow is Father's Day!)
Category: Somalia, Lybia, United Kingdom, Iran, Afghanistan, (Military) News, North Korea and Terrorism.
North Korean Missiles: Potential to reach the United States
Information about DPRK missile system technology has been reported in the Japan's Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai (NHK), or the Japan Broadcasting Corporation for several years. Japan is very aware of the DPRK missile threat because Japan has been within the targeting range of North Korea missile systems since the late 1990s.
Throughout the Clinton Presidential years (January 1993 - January 2001), North Korea succeeded in developing its “Nodong” missile and nuclear programs. By 1998 DPRK's “Nodong” missile had a range estimated at up to 900 miles and was capable of covering South Korea and most of Japan.
In the United States, the Americans in the dark about the DPRK (and their partner Iran) missile programs. DPRK and Iranian programs have paralleled each other since the 1990s. The following is a brief primer on DPRK's Taep'o-dong programs:
The Taep’o-dong 1 is a medium-range, liquid and solid propellant, single warhead ballistic missile.
The missile is said to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to a maximum range of 2,000 km (1,243 miles). This missile has been in development since 1990 and with advance testing and a successful first test launch in 1998. Apparently Iranian and Pakistani personnel were involved in the first test launch. Source: Missile Threat.Com - Taep’o-dong 1The development of the Taep’o-dong 2 is estimated to have begun at the same time as the Taep’o-dong 1, in 1990.
The Taep'o-dong 2 missile is a 2-stage liquid, possible 3-stage, with a range of 6,000-9,000 km. Pakistan and Iran have jointly received technical assistance on their missile projects which are derivatives of DPRK's Taep’o-dong 2 project. The Iranian Shahab-5/Shahab 6 is similar in technology and in design to the Taep'o-dong 2. It is expected that proliferation of DPRK technology will pass to other countries in the same manner as their other weapons programs. Source: Missile Threat.Com - Taep’o-dong 2In August 6, 2003, Japan’s Sankei Shimbun newspaper reported that DPRK and Iran were negotiating a deal for the export of DPRK's long-range Taep'o-dong 2 missiles to Iran. Apparently they were also working jointly in development of nuclear warheads. Source: FAS org - CRS Issue Brief for Congress August 27, 2003
Links for more information on DPRK Missile Technology:
- Missilethreat.Com - News Archive North Korea
- FAS - Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) DPRK - Iranian Shahab - 3 Technology
- FAS - Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) DPRK - Iranian Shahab - 6 Technology
- Janes: Iran moves its Shahab 3 units
- History of Ballistic Missile Development in the DPRK
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Bosun Op-ed: Seize the day - War in Iraq
Report filed in Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Iraqi government unveils details of Zarqawi document MIL-IRAQ-ZARQAWI-DOCUMENT Iraqi government unveils details of Zarqawi document BAGHDAD, June 14 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi government has unveiled on Wednesday details of a document which the Iraqi forces set hand at the house where the Al-Qaeda operative Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and his aids were killed during a US air strike last Wednesday.It said that the "death and destruction" document uncovers the strategic relation between Saddam Hussein's henchmen and Zarqawi group.Now Jack "anti-marine" Murtha, John "F" Kerry, Nancy "Botox" Pelosi, Harry "Dingy" Reid, Biden, Durbin and the rest can spin it to make it into their idea to get the troops out. I hope the America people will connect (the real dots in the coming election to) victory in the war in Iraq to the people who made it possible. If it was not for the President's fortitude and determination we may not have been there to help Zarqawi meet his maker.
National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie also said he believed the security situation in the country would improve enough to allow a large number of U.S.-led forces to leave Iraq by the end of this year, and a majority to depart by the end of next year. "And maybe the last soldier will leave Iraq by mid-2008," he said.
Over the horizon placement of troops would not have allowed "On Time" response to the Zarqawi intelligence and several other successes we have had in the war on terror in Iraq. Iraqi leaders would like to stand up their government as soon as possible and take total charge. And, they are going to do it.
The dems are the biggest bunch of blunderers I have ever seen. Clinton complacency got us into this mess to begin with by his inability to come to terms with USS Cole, the African embassies bombing, Afghanistan situation, and other terrorism incidents that moved forward at a rapid rate for the eight years he was in office.
Bill was to busy playing around with Monica, et. al. and trying to dodge Hillary's jealously than for him to be a good sitting president. After the Gore presidential defeat along came the liberals and donk lefti and tried to throw every barrier they could find in front of President Bush and the US Military. It has been an uphill battle for the past six years, even with 9/11.
It is rough fighting terrorism, Zarqawi in Iraq, and all the other evils that are threatening our country and also dodge the barriers that the donk lefti threw in the way.
We have gained momentum in Iraq. We must seize the day. And, when we are finished, then we can go home.
Get the Dems out of the way and get the war fought.
By the way, this blogger would like to point out that John "F" Kerry threw nails under the tires of the war on June 12th.
Besides slaming the President and the war in Iraq, Kerry was also busy introducing additions to Senate Bill 2766. The addition, Section 1084, was to require the withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from Iraq and urge the convening of an Iraq summit. (As of this writing, the addition did not have traction to pass. It is unlikely that it will be added.)
Here are the facts as they are known right now. You decide on which side of history you would like to be.
Technorati tags: America ... John Kerry ... S.2766 ... Iraq ... Cut and Run ... Withdrawal ... Viet Nam ... Politically Correct ... Liberalism ... socialism
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Zarqawi's been DEAD for a whole week
ICE nabs illigals across the United States

What took so long? The federal authorities should have been doing this for a long time.
The nationwide blitz called "Operation Return to Sender," has been conducted by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers nationwide since May 26TH.
Officials are currently targeting child molesters, gang members, violent criminals and others, who have returned to the country after being deported by a judge, the Associated Press reported. The operation has caught more than 140 immigrants with convictions for sexual offenses against children; 367 known gang members, including street soldiers in the deadly Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13; and about 640 people who had already been deported once, immigration officials said. The numbers include more than 720 arrests in California alone.
For addition information on Operation Return to Sender please visit the links below:
- News 8 San Diego: Agency Nabs Illegals Across United States >>>>
- World Net Daily: Operation Return to Sender sends agents across country to target violent criminals>>>>
Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) links:
- Child Exploitation
- Gangs
- Human Trafficking
- Secure Borders (SBI)
- Special Registration & More
- Inside ICE provides all the latest top stories and more from the ICE case files.
- ICE Photos and Imagery: Stanislaus County Gang Enforcement Operation
Iranian Chant; Resolution of the Holocaust - Destruction of Israel

June 15, 2006
No. 1186
DISCLAIMER: The different points of views on MEMRI are not supported nor do they reflect the views and beliefs of the Rumors of War or any entity affiliated with the Rumors of War.
Iranian Presidential Advisor Mohammad Ali Ramin: "The Resolution of the Holocaust Issue Will End in the Destruction of Israel"
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: HTML The Resolution of the Holocaust: Destruction of Israel .
On June 9, 2006, the reformist online daily Rooz reported that during a visit with students at Gilan University in Rasht, Iran, Mohammad Ali Ramin, advisor to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, discussed historical accusations against the Jews and questioned the Holocaust.
The following are excerpts from the Rooz article, in the original English:(1)
"'Throughout History, This Religious Group [i.e. the Jews] has Inflicted the Most Damage on the Human Race'"
"On a visit to Gilan University, president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's advisor Mohammad Ali Ramin said to a group of students in the town of Rasht, 'Ten years ago, when I brought up the issue of the Holocaust for the first time in this country, my goal was to defend the Jewish people. But among the Jews there have always been those who killed God's prophets and who opposed justice and righteousness. Throughout history, this religious group has inflicted the most damage on the human race, while some of its groups engaged in plotting against other nations and ethnic groups to cause cruelty, malice and wickedness.'
"'Historically, there are many accusations against the Jews. For example, it was said that they were the source for such deadly disease as the plague and typhus. This is because the Jews are very filthy people. For a time people also said that they poisoned water wells belonging to Christians and thus killed them,' Ramin said.
"Ramin also pointed that there were other plots that powerful people used to mislead public opinion around the world. 'When the Islamic Revolution of Iran succeeded and attracted many people around the world, including Christians, the AIDS epidemic came about, and fear again overtook the world. After the September 11 attacks, the deadly epidermis broke out, which was destroyed when the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. On the eve of the invasion of Iran, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) illness broke out, but disappeared after the invasion,' he said."
"'Nobody Asks How a Bird That had the Flu Could Fly From Australia to Siberia'"
"Ramin also claimed that the spread of bird flu was a conspiracy plot cause[d] by the failure of America, Israel and Britain in the Middle East. Ramin pointed out that to cover up and hide their failures, these countries have spread the news about the bird flu to preoccupy and distract public opinion for some 5 to 6 months. 'Nobody asks how a bird that had the flu could fly from Australia to Siberia,' he said, adding that even the Iranian minister of health had claimed to have stopped the disease at Iran's borders. He claimed the holocaust story and bird flu rumors are interrelated. He attributed the killing of millions of chicken was to control the price and amount [of] chicken in the market."
"In Order to Deny the Germans the Ability to Increase Their Power, 'the British and Americans Present Them as a Human-Burning Nation'"
"While acknowledging not knowing the source of these events around the world, Ramin said, 'I only know that Jews have been accused of such conspiracies and sabotage throughout history and have not performed well.'
"And repeating the president's claims about the Holocaust, he presented four theories that are presented in its support.
"The first is that in order to deny the Germans the ability to increase their power, 'the British and Americans present them as a human-burning nation.' The second theory is that the Americans and the British have cocked up this story with the Zionists, so as to create the state of Israel in the middle of the Islamic world and thus control the Islamic world on the Holocaust pretext, and getting rid of the Jews from Europe. The third hypothesis relates to the traditional animosity between Christians and the Jews. 'The U.S., Britain with the cooperation of France, Russia and Germany, and because of their Christian leanings and its animosity with the Jews, launched the idea of the Holocaust after the Second World War to scare off the Jews and sent them to what is now Israel in order to get rid of them in Europe and America,' he said. He further said that the movement that created Israel is in fact against the Jews. The fourth theory relates to covering up the crimes of the U.S. and Britain. He claimed that Britain had killed some 100 million red Indians in the last 300 years and the U.S. had leveled Hiroshima, which he said were the real Holocausts."
"'The Resolution of the Holocaust Issue Will End in the Destruction of Israel'"
"Claiming that the Holocaust was the principal reason why Palestine was occupied while Israel was the main cause of crises and catastrophe in the Middle East. 'So long as Israel exists in the region there will never be peace and security in the Middle East,' he said adding, 'So the resolution of the Holocaust issue will end in the destruction of Israel.'
"Turning to President Ahmadinejad's comments on the Holocaust, Ramin said that he criticized the president for making those comments. 'We do not know whether the Holocaust existed or not and so must find out in order to defend the suffered party. My suggestion to him was to set up an investigative committee on this to collect the supporting documents,' he said."
(1) Rooz, June 9, 2006, 'Throughout History, This Religious Group [i.e. the Jews] has Inflicted the Most Damage on the Human Race' .
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.
MEMRI holds copyrights on all translations. Materials may only be used with proper attribution.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077
Search previous MEMRI publications at
Technorati Tags: Iran ... Middle East ... Terrorism ... Ahmadinejad ... Holocaust ... Jews ... Israel ... Islam ... Irrational Behavior ... Islamic World ... Muslim
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Plots, Casings, and Infiltrations Referenced in President Bush's Remarks on the War on Terror
President Discusses War on Terror at National Endowment for Democracy
Overall, the United States and our partners have disrupted at least ten serious al-Qaida terrorist plots since September 11--including three al-Qaida plots to attack inside the United States. We have stopped at least five more al-Qaida efforts to case targets in the United States or infiltrate operatives into our country.
10 Plots
- The West Coast Airliner Plot: In mid-2002 the U.S. disrupted a plot to attack targets on the West Coast of the United States using hijacked airplanes. The plotters included at least one major operational planner involved in planning the events of 9/11.
- The East Coast Airliner Plot: In mid-2003 the U.S. and a partner disrupted a plot to attack targets on the East Coast of the United States using hijacked commercial airplanes.
- The Jose Padilla Plot: In May 2002 the U.S. disrupted a plot that involved blowing up apartment buildings in the United States. One of the plotters, Jose Padilla, also discussed the possibility of using a "dirty bomb" in the U.S.
- The 2004 UK Urban Targets Plot: In mid-2004 the U.S. and partners disrupted a plot that involved urban targets in the United Kingdom. These plots involved using explosives against a variety of sites.
- The 2003 Karachi Plot: In the Spring of 2003 the U.S. and a partner disrupted a plot to attack Westerners at several targets in Karachi, Pakistan.
- The Heathrow Airport Plot: In 2003 the U.S. and several partners disrupted a plot to attack Heathrow Airport using hijacked commercial airliners. The planning for this attack was undertaken by a major 9/11 operational figure.
- The 2004 UK Plot: In the Spring of 2004 the U.S. and partners, using a combination of law enforcement and intelligence resources, disrupted a plot to conduct large-scale bombings in the UK.
- The 2002 Arabian Gulf Shipping Plot: In late 2002 and 2003 the U.S. and a partner nation disrupted a plot by al-Qa'ida operatives to attack ships in the Arabian Gulf.
- The 2002 Straits of Hormuz Plot: In 2002 the U.S. and partners disrupted a plot to attack ships transiting the Straits of Hormuz.
- The 2003 Tourist Site Plot: In 2003 the U.S. and a partner nation disrupted a plot to attack a tourist site outside the United States.
- The U.S. Government & Tourist Sites Tasking: In 2003 and 2004, an individual was tasked by al-Qa'ida to case important U.S. Government and tourist targets within the United States.
- The Gas Station Tasking: In approximately 2003, an individual was tasked to collect targeting information on U.S. gas stations and their support mechanisms on behalf of a senior al-Qa'ida planner.
- Iyman Faris & the Brooklyn Bridge: In 2003, and in conjunction with a partner nation, the U.S. government arrested and prosecuted Iyman Faris, who was exploring the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. Faris ultimately pleaded guilty to providing material support to al-Qa'ida and is now in a federal correctional institution.
- 2001 Tasking: In 2001, al-Qa'ida sent an individual to facilitate post-September 11 attacks in the U.S. U.S. law enforcement authorities arrested the individual.
- 2003 Tasking: In 2003, an individual was tasked by an al-Qa'ida leader to conduct reconnaissance on populated areas in the U.S.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
U.N. desperate to question scientist after evidenceof enriched uranium found at Iranian military site

With the U.S. giving Iran until June 29 to accept or reject a package of incentives to end its nuclear program and Tehran defiantly stepping up enrichment activities, pressure is building on Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf to allow access to Khan by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors to discover what he knows about fresh traces of enriched uranium found on equipment used at an Iranian military site. To read the article, please visit WND, U.N. desperate to question scientist after evidenceof enriched uranium found at Iranian military site
Additional resources from Global Security Org:
- Nuclear Weapons
- Fissile Material Acquisition
- Iranian Statements
- Western Assessments
- A.Q. Khan Network
- A.Q. Khan & Iran
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Possible location of MWD in Iraq???
According to World Net Daily (WND) a captured document from the Saddam regime but left untranslated by the Pentagon describes the hiding of chemical-weapons materials and the location of their burial in Iraq.
World Net Daily reported that the information came from Joseph Shahda, who has translated a number of key texts from among the thousands made available on the Internet by the Defense Department, posted his work on the conservative forum at Free
Free Repubic provided a link to Document ISGQ-2003-00004530 dated September 15 2002, alleged to be a memo from a General in Saddam Feedayeens to the Supervisor of those Feedayeens, Uday Saddam Hussein.
It will be interesting to inspect this site and to translate the documents that are available. Perhaps there is more information that will shed light on what happened to the WMD.
Read the WND article linked at: Memo reportedly shows location of WMD
Technorati Tags: WMD ... Weapons of Mass Destruction ... Terrorism ... WND ... Joseph Shahda ... Chemical Weapons ... Saddam ... Opinion
Friday, June 09, 2006
Brits release brothers: Another rush to judge without the facts
Now the police have released the brothers without charges after nothing was found. The brothers had been held and were questioned at London's high security Paddington Green police station for several days.
This incident comes on the heals of the questionable shooting last year of a Brazil man and other incidents that targeted Muslims in Britain.
Fortunately, the brothers' family held up well during the ordeal and maintained their sons' innocence. In addition, the family encouraged Muslims not to attend anti-police rallies that were organized by others in the community. The family did not to antagonize the tense situation.
Now the police must sift through their probable cause for the original raid. For more information regarding the release link: Terror raid brothers freed without charge
Additional links:
- UK Daily Express: Terror raid - brothers released Two brothers arrested following a controversial anti-terror raid by police durin...
- UK Guardian Unlimited: Terror raid was 'barbaric' UK: Sister of man shot during anti-terrorist raid describes police actions as 'barbaric and horrific'. Special report: terrorism threat to UK ... Guardian Unlimited Politics
- UK Times Online: Family's fears at East London terror protest Muslims demonstrated outside an East London police station today against last weekÂs anti-terror raid by armed officers.