Tribute to the military

Friday, August 18, 2006

News from the Middle East 8/18/2006

There is much 'news' coming from the Middle East; however, it appears some questions may soon be answered as to what are we actually facing. For example, do you remember the ruckus about the cartoons? So does Egypt.
    Egypt's top Islamic cleric demands jail time for editor over Prophet cartoons.
    Saturday, August 19, 2006.
    Egypt's top Islamic leader on Friday called for the editor of Jyllands-Posten, the Danish daily that published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, to be imprisoned and for his newspaper to be closed down. "The satirical drawings of the Prophet Mohammad are one of the most serious crimes ever committed. The editor should be imprisoned for one, two or three years," Grand Sheikh Mohammad Sayyed Tantawi told Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende in an interview.
They are half a day ahead of us. There is also this article which speaks of a 'possible' failed terrorist attack in Germany.
    Investigators link 'failed bomb attack' on German trains to Lebanon.
    Saturday, August 19, 2006.
    by Richard Heister.
    WIESBADEN, Germany: German investigators said on Friday they suspected that homemade bombs found on two trains last month were a failed terror attack. In the wake of the revelation, Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned he could not rule out an attack on the German public transport system to rival the bombings in Madrid and London which killed dozens of passengers.
Jonah Goldberg has written a must read article about the conditions in the Middle East in comparison to the conditions Nazi Germany in the 1930's-40's. It is chilling.
    The swastika and the scimitar.
    Thursday, August 18, 2006.
    The Jews everywhere are "the Muslim's bitter enemies," said a prominent Islamic leader. Throughout history, the "irreconcilable enemy of Islam" has conspired and schemed and "oppressed and persecuted 40 million Muslims," he said. In Palestine, the Jews are establishing "a base from which to extend their power over neighboring Islamic countries." And, he proclaimed, "this war, which was unleashed by the world Jewry," provided "Muslims the best opportunity to free themselves from these instances of persecution and oppression."
And that's just the first paragraph.

That should be enough to keep you busy for now. If you would care to read about the Military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, please go to DoD Daily News or DoD Daily News-2. The second one is where you will find the more lengthy, detailed articles. However, there are many good articles on the homepage (the first one). Thank you, and have a nice day.

Category: Egypt, Germany, Israel, Middle East and Blogger News.

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