Tribute to the military

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lone wolf jihadi are coming. it is not if, it is when

My brothers and sisters, Israel has been dealing with this problem for a long time. We have seend pizza parlors, shopping centers, and public transportation been targeted in the name of a certain caravan raider's spiritual director and his moon god, along with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and radical Islam. The apologists and appearers, along with liberal progressisves, anarchists, and nitwits will try to blame President Bush and what they believe is the crusader mentality of western culture.  Unfortunately, those policially correct nitwits do not seem to recognize the 1400 year history of death, destruction, and torture at the hands of "radicalized" misunderstanders....

We just caught a glimpse of the things to come in America with the latest "lone wolf of Texas."   He is just another misundersander along with the Fort Hood officer, and others around the country who want to bring their personal jihad to America.  We were lucky and caught the shoe before it dropped, this time....

Fox News headline: Next Wave of Al Qaeda From U.S.? - Case of Saudi national accused of bomb plot underscores assessment that next wave of terrorists are 'lone wolves' coming from inside the country.

My  brothers and sisters, this is not a question, it appears to be a fact.  

From my old blog in 2007:


Friday, February 16, 2007
Sudden Jihad Syndrome
In regards to the latest homicidial maniac attack on unsuspecting Americans, Sulejman Talovic's aunt, discounted theories he may have had lingering psychological effects from the war in Bosnia, telling the Salt Lake Tribune: "We all suffered things in war, but, no, we didn't have anything."

Recent examples of what Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has termed "Sudden Jihad Syndrome" include Naveed Afzal Haq of Pasco, Wash., who broke through security at the Jewish Federation Center in Seattle last July and announced to staff members: "I'm a Muslim American; I'm angry at Israel." The 30-year-old immediately began shooting randomly, killing a woman and wounding five others. An FBI spokesman called it a case of a "lone individual acting out his antagonism. ... There's nothing to indicate that it’s terrorism-related."

Last March, 22-year-old Iranian student Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar went on a driving rampage on the campus of the University of North Carolina, injuring nine people. As Islam scholar Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch, notes, the Iranian said in a court appearance he was "thankful for the opportunity to spread the will of Allah." He also wrote letters to newspapers presenting Quranic justification for his attacks, but officials ruled out terrorism.

In October 2005, 21-year-old student Joel Hinrichs blew himself up outside the University of Oklahoma's football stadium where 84,000 were watching a game. Police insisted it was merely a suicide, but investigators found "Islamic Jihad" material in his apartment, and he reportedly attended a nearby mosque – the same one attended by Zacharias Moussaoui, the only person charged in connection with the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

In January 2004, after apparently undergoing a religious awakening, a Saudi Arabian student in Houston killed his Jewish friend by slashing his throat. Mohammed Ali Alayed, 23, pleaded guilty to the Aug. 6 attack on Ariel Sellouk, also 23, who almost was decapitated with a knife. Houston police said no clear motive had been established, but Alayed went to a local mosque after the slaying.

In a high-profile case, Beltway sniper John Allen Muhammad, a convert to Islam, went on a deadly shooting spree in the Washington, D.C., area in October 2002.

Source: World Net Daily: Terrorism not ruled out in Salt Lake case Investigators pursue Islam angle despite publicly declaring 'no evidence'

Are these fellows weak in the brain mentally ill maniacs or is there another pattern emerging regarding that Muslim on Christian violence in America. I sure would not want to say that it is organized or orchrastrated by the religion of peace. But, one has to wonder? I have know exceptionally nice Muslims who would not think of harming anyone. But, there appears to be a mentally ill undercurrent similar to or own Aryan Nation, Christian Identity Movement radicals. I should hope that we get to the bottom of this Sudden Jihad Syndrome and eliminate it from the American culture.
Previous Stories from World Net Daily:

Utah gunman, 18, was Muslim from Bosnia

Claim: San Francisco killer called himself 'terrorist'

Snow won't say whether Seattle-shooting 'terrorism'

1 dead, 5 hurt in Seattle terror

Muslim: I attacked out of love for Allah'

Oklahoma bomber had jihad material

Saudi pleads guilty to killing Jewish friend

Sniper link to al-Fuqra probed

LAX terrorist in U.S. on amnesty exemption

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